I know...I've been away for awhile. But I'm back, everyone is great and I'll be updating soon! My next post is a little deep, something I need to to at least write out for myself. Thought I'd share better memories before I jump into those feelings!
Conner is growing by leaps and bounds. He's 10 1/2 months and trying hard to walk. He'll get there, but we're going to try and slow him down a little. We don't want to give up our baby just yet!
Bryce is still the entertainer of the family. I love his imagination and everyday is something new with him! Just be careful what you say around him...he absorbs EVERYTHING!
We have been enjoying our time spend outdoors lately. We've had amazing weather! Although the last few days we've been drinched with a few inches of rain. But the sun is out today and things should be warming back up soon! I'll try and get a little better about blogging again! :)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day started off on the wrong foot this year...I forgot to set my alarm clock and completely slept through bootcamp. Let's just say that when I woke up at 5:55am I was not a happy camper (no pun intended)! So what did I do? Rolled over and went back to sleep. What SHOULD I have done? Gotten up and ran on the treadmill for about 30 minutes to remove any frustration I had. Lesson learned.
My first pinterest FOOD re-creation! |
Bryce was talking too much to really enjoy his cinnamon roll! |
The boys (apparently) had a lot of sugary snacks at the sitters. Not only for Valentine's Day but also because it was the babysitters birthday! They got to go over board with the celebrations yesterday! I tried to get a picture of them both, but you know how well that usually goes.
I have one confession to make. When I knew we were having a second boy, I swore to myself and many others around me, that I would not dress my kids alike on a regular basis or at all for that matter. Well, I caved ONLY because without knowing it, both of my kids had the same shirt! These are shirts that I had bought either at a second-hand store or a garage sale. I couldn't find any V-Day shirts for them, so this is what they wore! They didn't seem to mind, but they may when they look back on pictures later in life! :)
But the highlight of the evening was dinner! We had t-bone steaks, smashed potatoes (another pinterest find), spicy garlic shrimp (yes, pinterest again) and asparagus. It one of the best meals we've had!
Bryce got Just Dance for Kids for the Wii and had no interest in playing after supper, so we'll try again later! Conner got a Baby Einstein movie, which we'll probably watch over the weekend. I on the other hand received the best gift of all. Dale is paying my registration fee for a 3-day scrapbook retreat in St. Louis at the end of next month! Two of my best-friends and I will be in scrapbook heaven once again! This is a new retreat for us, the best part, they offer MASSAGES while you are there...and I got my massage paid for as well. We have 44 days and I couldn't be more excited about it! :) Dale also brought me a bag of Peanut M&M's. I have NO idea how I'm going to be able to control myself. I took them to work and actually didn't eat them all today!! Dale on the other hand, he got a huge Reese's heart and I've already seen the wrapper in the trash. We don't get each other much in the way of gifts because we are lucky enough to usually get what we want through out the year. But it's always nice to give a little!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Weigh-In Day
I did it...I finally did. I LOST 3 pounds this week which brings me to a total of 35.4 pounds LOST! There is a choir of angels singing above me and I am so excited about it! I have been bouncing all around for the last month and I was finally able to reach the goal that I've been wanting. Now, only 1.2 pounds to go until I can say GOOD BYE 200's!
Bootcamp has been rough on me, I was building muscle and not losing anything. Then I was gaining that muscle and still not losing....but I have finally gotten there. Seriously, I'm so excited today that I could jump for joy all afternoon. That could earn me some extra activity points!
I'm home today with Bryce. His eyes are clearing up good, but I thought we better make sure that he was fully cleared up before exposing other kiddos. Conner went to the sitters, that gave me the chance to strip all the beds and disinfect the house. I want this crap outta here! Bryce and I will go pick up a make a quick run to the store, we need milk of course!
But, while Bryce naps, I'm going to catch up on some Biggest Loser episodes! STILL SMILING!!
Bootcamp has been rough on me, I was building muscle and not losing anything. Then I was gaining that muscle and still not losing....but I have finally gotten there. Seriously, I'm so excited today that I could jump for joy all afternoon. That could earn me some extra activity points!
I'm home today with Bryce. His eyes are clearing up good, but I thought we better make sure that he was fully cleared up before exposing other kiddos. Conner went to the sitters, that gave me the chance to strip all the beds and disinfect the house. I want this crap outta here! Bryce and I will go pick up a make a quick run to the store, we need milk of course!
But, while Bryce naps, I'm going to catch up on some Biggest Loser episodes! STILL SMILING!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Check Up and Pink Eye
This morning I woke up to a 3 year-old in my bed. All snuggled in between Mom and Dad like he belonged there....when in reality, he hardly ever sleeps in our bed! Once that little angel woke up, I noticed the pinkish color to his eye and the gunk. Great. Good thing Conner already had his appointment scheduled today, Bryce just got to go with us! He was perfect while Conner went through his check-up, so he got a chocolate milk for the ride home. Now, he's hanging out with Dad, probably snuggled in the chair watching Cars 2!
Conner of course, was as happy as he could be this morning! He had a great check-up this morning. Doing everything right on track for his age. His ears are still showing a little fluid in them, so we'll go back in 6 weeks to make sure they are doing better. We are going to have a consultation with a Dermatologist to make sure his ezcema isn't anything worse than that and then by the time we go back for his 12-month check up we will all be healthy and can relax again (hopefully)!
Conner of course, was as happy as he could be this morning! He had a great check-up this morning. Doing everything right on track for his age. His ears are still showing a little fluid in them, so we'll go back in 6 weeks to make sure they are doing better. We are going to have a consultation with a Dermatologist to make sure his ezcema isn't anything worse than that and then by the time we go back for his 12-month check up we will all be healthy and can relax again (hopefully)!
Conner Joseph Wassmann
9 months old
![]() |
This is a picture from 6 months, but it's still my favorite! |
18 pounds 15 ounces (35%)
28 inches long (50%)
Has his 5th tooth popping through and a 6th one working it's way down. He can crawl, pull himself to standing, let go of what he is standing next too and stand unsupported for just a second or two. He is repeating sounds that people make and is able to mimic things his big brother does in front of him. Conner is still a Momma's boy, but isn't as clingy as he has been!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Oh..the weekend torture!
We had such a busy weekend with a lot of unhealthy food options. I'm not good at saying no to cupcakes and puppy chow, so I indulged. Thankfully Conner got fussy at our Super Bowl party and we were forced to leave early, that saved me from the cheesecake that was being served at half-time! :) I keep vowing to "get back on track" with the tracking my food, but I've been saying that since the holidays were over! But I've been very good about tracking what I eat today and like I knew would happen, I'm eating much better today than I have been. The best part is that bootcamp earns me 14 activity points twice a week, I've been smart and I'm not going to use those points, unless I have a really good reason!
I haven't been feeling 100% either, so I'm trying to force myself to drink a lot more water. Yesterday, I tracked it and I was over 100 oz of water by the time I went to bed. Lots of bathroom breaks! I've already hit 64 oz this morning and getting ready to fill up my 32 oz bottle again! I just hope I don't drown. :)
On a much brighter note........
We did get a lot of family time this weekend. Dale and I enjoyed a dinner alone Friday night. Saturday was a cattle show that the kids and I went to with Gma then we went to the Wassmann's to play with Cole and Caden. Sunday was church (as a family!) and 2 parties! These weekends are always fun but my house usually shows the proof that we're running alot! I got it picked up yesterday, so we're ready for another week.
This little guy turned 9 months old yesterday! He's got his 5th tooth coming in and is gabbering up a storm! We'll be going for his well-baby check up tomorrow, so more details about this growing baby then!
Yes, he's got rosey cheeks. The appointment tomorrow will determine if we see a dermatologist or not :-(
I haven't been feeling 100% either, so I'm trying to force myself to drink a lot more water. Yesterday, I tracked it and I was over 100 oz of water by the time I went to bed. Lots of bathroom breaks! I've already hit 64 oz this morning and getting ready to fill up my 32 oz bottle again! I just hope I don't drown. :)
On a much brighter note........
We did get a lot of family time this weekend. Dale and I enjoyed a dinner alone Friday night. Saturday was a cattle show that the kids and I went to with Gma then we went to the Wassmann's to play with Cole and Caden. Sunday was church (as a family!) and 2 parties! These weekends are always fun but my house usually shows the proof that we're running alot! I got it picked up yesterday, so we're ready for another week.
This little guy turned 9 months old yesterday! He's got his 5th tooth coming in and is gabbering up a storm! We'll be going for his well-baby check up tomorrow, so more details about this growing baby then!
Yes, he's got rosey cheeks. The appointment tomorrow will determine if we see a dermatologist or not :-(
Friday, February 3, 2012
Back to Blogging
Ok...so in a frenzy of blogging yesterday I deleted everything I had posted in the last week. SO, here is one BIG update of what has been happening in the last year (or two) and I hope you can keep up!
Checking Papa Buffy's Cows! |
3 years old and keeping us busy! He loves dinosaurs, tractors, spending time with his Dad and loving on his brother. This boy is not afraid of the cows or pig anymore and will walk around them like they are his pets. We are going to have to be a little more careful, because his carelessness is going to get him hurt some day! Bryce loves to play outside (thankful for the mild winter) and really enjoys riding his bike! It's hard to believe that 3 years have gone by, but then again, it seems like he's been with us forever! He loves to get his haircut by "Kaffy" and his favorite movies are Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 and Cars 1 & 2. He is completely potty-trained, thankfully through the night now too and gets rewarded for good behavior on a weekly basis!
Happy 3rd Birthday Bryce! |
After a long trip to KC for Thanksgiving, Bryce didn't want to go home, so he hid in Grandma's cabinet! |
Conner Joseph Wassmann was born May 6, 2011. We call him Conner Joe (or Conner Joey if your Bryce) a lot...just because we couldn't come up with a good nick name for him!
Just Born! 9:41am 7lbs 7.6oz |
Yes, he surprised us a little, but we still love him to the moon and back! He is very active, if you aren't holding him you better be playing with him because he wants all of your attention. Conner's smile will melt your heart any day of the week...and those blue eyes will get him some pretty girls later (MUCH LATER) in life! He admires his brother like every little brother should and is 100% a Momma's Boy just like Bryce (which isn't always a good thing for Momma). Conner will be 9 months old on Monday...now that's hard to believe!
Love at First Sight! |
Conner at 7 months old! |
Well, I'm still working for the Title Company and things are a little slow right now, but not dead, so that's good! I am deep into reading "The Help" and can't wait to finish so I can watch the movie. I can't pick up the book unless I'm going to be able to devote some time to reading it....I usually try to read while I'm eating lunch! I'm also excite to report that I'm a member of Weight Watchers and currently have lost 34 pounds! At the first of the year I began Bootcamp at the YMCA. The instructor is amazing and I'm actually losing the inches I wasn't able to lose with the exercise I was doing before. I can now fit into a pair of jeans I haven't worn since BEFORE I was pregnant with Bryce! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I have also started running more, this week I have been to the Y every day and I plan to go today over my lunch so I can run again and see how far I can go. I have a goal.....to be able to RUN the St. Patrick's Day 5K in March. Here's the best before picture I could find....I'm going to have Dale take an after picture of me so I can post later.
BLAH...but good encouragement! |
This is the best "progress" picture I could find. This was taken on Nov. 30, 2011 I had lost 31 pounds by this time! |
Almost a year ago, Dale left the hog farm and started a new "career" with Ag Coop in Boonville. He is their spray operator and he seems to love his job! I'm so glad he was able to get away from the stress of the farm and into something that he really enjoys. His job came at a good time, he has been able to spend more and more time home with his family and we enjoy having him there! Although, it's hard to establish a routine without him and then have him home to establish a new routine to then be thrown into spring again when we have to establish a whole new routine! But, I think we'll manage!
No pictures of Daddy - I don't think he'd approve anyway!
Well, there you have it....a brief detail of how our lives are going at this time. My hope is to update the blog on a daily basis, if possible, and to keep our family near and far up to date on what is happening in our lives! I also hope to share my journey in losing weight with everyone. For the first time, EVER, I am excited about losing weight and exercising and I want to share that excitment with others! Plus, we've been getting a little creative in our recipes, so I'd be happy to share them on the blog so others can enjoy!
Keep checking back...I hope to have a new blog header and music added this weekend! We need to get little Conner Joe added to the family blog!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Billingsville Ice Cream Social
Last night was the Ice Cream Social at the Billingsville Church. This was my first year attending, last year Bryce went with Grandma Linda and Papa Eddie. Dale and I are still stumped as to where we were and why we didn't go...but oh well!
Leaving the house to go to the church...he's such a stud!
Then he had to wear his glasses just like his Daddy!
After dinner Bryce went outside with a family friend to jump in the bounce house. Morgan had a hard time getting Bryce inside the bounce house...he would get most of the way in and then slide back out. Then she tried getting in with him...still wouldn't do it!
Finally he got in...
And loved every minute of it!
He's just a little crazy.....
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