Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Check Up and Pink Eye

This morning I woke up to a 3 year-old in my bed.  All snuggled in between Mom and Dad like he belonged there....when in reality, he hardly ever sleeps in our bed!  Once that little angel woke up, I noticed the pinkish color to his eye and the gunk.  Great.  Good thing Conner already had his appointment scheduled today, Bryce just got to go with us!  He was perfect while Conner went through his check-up, so he got a chocolate milk for the ride home.  Now, he's hanging out with Dad, probably snuggled in the chair watching Cars 2!

Conner of course, was as happy as he could be this morning!  He had a great check-up this morning.  Doing everything right on track for his age.  His ears are still showing a little fluid in them, so we'll go back in 6 weeks to make sure they are doing better.  We are going to have a consultation with a Dermatologist to make sure his ezcema isn't anything worse than that and then by the time we go back for his 12-month check up we will all be healthy and can relax again (hopefully)!

Conner Joseph Wassmann
9 months old

This is a picture from 6 months, but it's still my favorite!

18 pounds 15 ounces (35%)
28 inches long (50%)

Has his 5th tooth popping through and a 6th one working it's way down.  He can crawl, pull himself to standing, let go of what he is standing next too and stand unsupported for just a second or two.  He is repeating sounds that people make and is able to mimic things his big brother does in front of him.  Conner is still a Momma's boy, but isn't as clingy as he has been!

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