Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oh..the weekend torture!

We had such a busy weekend with a lot of unhealthy food options.  I'm not good at saying no to cupcakes and puppy chow, so I indulged.  Thankfully Conner got fussy at our Super Bowl party and we were forced to leave early, that saved me from the cheesecake that was being served at half-time! :)  I keep vowing to "get back on track" with the tracking my food, but I've been saying that since the holidays were over!  But I've been very good about tracking what I eat today and like I knew would happen, I'm eating much better today than I have been.  The best part is that bootcamp earns me 14 activity points twice a week, I've been smart and I'm not going to use those points, unless I have a really good reason!

I haven't been feeling 100% either, so I'm trying to force myself to drink a lot more water.  Yesterday, I tracked it and I was over 100 oz of water by the time I went to bed.  Lots of bathroom breaks!  I've already hit 64 oz this morning and getting ready to fill up my 32 oz bottle again!  I just hope I don't drown. :)

On a much brighter note........

We did get a lot of family time this weekend.  Dale and I enjoyed a dinner alone Friday night.  Saturday was a cattle show that the kids and I went to with Gma then we went to the Wassmann's to play with Cole and Caden.  Sunday was church (as a family!) and 2 parties!  These weekends are always fun but my house usually shows the proof that we're running alot!  I got it picked up yesterday, so we're ready for another week.

This little guy turned 9 months old yesterday!  He's got his 5th tooth coming in and is gabbering up a storm!  We'll be going for his well-baby check up tomorrow, so more details about this growing baby then!

Yes, he's got rosey cheeks.  The appointment tomorrow will determine if we see a dermatologist or not :-(

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