Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day started off on the wrong foot this year...I forgot to set my alarm clock and completely slept through bootcamp.  Let's just say that when I woke up at 5:55am I was not a happy camper (no pun intended)!  So what did I do?  Rolled over and went back to sleep.  What SHOULD I have done?  Gotten up and ran on the treadmill for about 30 minutes to remove any frustration I had.  Lesson learned.

So...back on the track of our Valentine's Day fun!

Breakfast consisted of heart shaped cinnamon rolls
My first pinterest FOOD re-creation!

They were tasty and even Conner enjoyed one!

Bryce was talking too much to really enjoy his cinnamon roll!
The boys (apparently) had a lot of sugary snacks at the sitters.  Not only for Valentine's Day but also because it was the babysitters birthday!  They got to go over board with the celebrations yesterday!  I tried to get a picture of them both, but you know how well that usually goes.

I have one confession to make.  When I knew we were having a second boy, I swore to myself and many others around me, that I would not dress my kids alike on a regular basis or at all for that matter.  Well, I caved ONLY because without knowing it, both of my kids had the same shirt!  These are shirts that I had bought either at a second-hand store or a garage sale.  I couldn't find any V-Day shirts for them, so this is what they wore!  They didn't seem to mind, but they may when they look back on pictures later in life! :)

But the highlight of the evening was dinner!  We had t-bone steaks, smashed potatoes (another pinterest find), spicy garlic shrimp (yes, pinterest again) and asparagus.  It one of the best meals we've had! 
Bryce got Just Dance for Kids for the Wii and had no interest in playing after supper, so we'll try again later!  Conner got a Baby Einstein movie, which we'll probably watch over the weekend.  I on the other hand received the best gift of all.  Dale is paying my registration fee for a 3-day scrapbook retreat in St. Louis at the end of next month!  Two of my best-friends and I will be in scrapbook heaven once again!  This is a new retreat for us, the best part, they offer MASSAGES while you are there...and I got my massage paid for as well.  We have 44 days and I couldn't be more excited about it! :)  Dale also brought me a bag of Peanut M&M's.  I have NO idea how I'm going to be able to control myself.  I took them to work and actually didn't eat them all today!!  Dale on the other hand, he got a huge Reese's heart and I've already seen the wrapper in the trash.  We don't get each other much in the way of gifts because we are lucky enough to usually get what we want through out the year.  But it's always nice to give a little!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!!

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