Monday, June 21, 2010

BuSy SuMmEr!

Today may be the official start to summer, but it sure has felt like summer for a long time now!  We have been so busy I haven't had a lot of time to update the blog...but I'm hoping I can get back into the updates soon!  Here is a preview of what's been going on....

Mother's Day weekend was busy, Dale and I had some friends getting married and their Bachelor/Bachelorrette parties that weekend, so we were hanging low on Mother's Day!  Bryce helped me make a cake...but I think he was eating the icing more than anything!

Bryce is a true boy!  He loves to play outside and in the mud, dirt or water puddles....I couldn't resist letting him play for a while and then making him get out!
Memorial Day weekend I was supposed to make the trip to Virginia to see Erin.  Just days before we were supposed to leave Bryce was sick with croup and I stayed home with him was nice to have 5 days off in a row!  Bryce was better within a couple of days and we were able to just play and do whatever we wanted those 5 days! 

We went to the park and played with Tyler one day.  Bryce really liked the slide!

Bryce got a sandbox over the time I was home...he has spent countless evenings playing in the sand!  He mostly likes to play in the sand because he knows he gets to play in the water hose afterwards when we're cleaning him up to come inside!!

I've been working on cleaning our's become a catch-all storage place and it's driving me crazy!  I think Bryce was ready for some pool-time this day..he was hanging out in his floatie most of the time!
We do have the pool up and going to come of our swim time soon!

On June 5th we spent the weekend with some of our closets friends as they got married!  Dale has been friends with Shauna and her family for a very long time...we were very honored to be a part of their wedding day.  Dale was an usher and I was the guest book/program attendant.  The day was hot, but we enjoyed it!

We have lots of plans for the summer...if the heat cuts back a little we may even go to the zoo!  I promise to do a little better with pictures in the future!

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