Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Yesterday was a very busy Easter Sunday!  We got up extra early to get ready for Easter Sunrise Services at Billingsville!!  After service they have a breakfast for everyone.  It was yummy and Bryce ate....a lot!  He must have been hungry from getting up so early!!

After breakfast we headed home to check out what the Easter Bunny had left us the night before.  Bryce got Chuck the Talking Truck, he has about 40 different sayings and is voice activated, so he moves with any loud sound.  Bryce thought it was hilarious that he moved!

He also got some swimming trunks, shirt and a pair of Crocs.  He just HAD to wear them!

After a short (too short) nap, we headed to Grandma Linda and Papa Eddie's house for lunch.  Bryce was a little cranky from no nap and hungry, so he was not happy waiting for lunch.  I tried giving him a snack and that didn't work at all.  Papa Eddie tried taking him to town to pick up Grandma Bernadine and that didn't work.  Daddy took him outside and he was not happy with that either.  The only thing that made him happy was......

....sitting in the truck ALL BY HIMSELF.  He finally got out of the truck when Aunt Debbie and Daddy came out of the garage with a Pink Barbie Jeep!

Bryce's legs were too short so Cole said he would drive Bryce around.  They had a blast!

That seemed to hold Bryce over until lunch time!  After lunch Bryce went on an Easter Egg hunt! 

He knew what he was doing in the very beginning but quickly lost interest when he started playing with the dirt, rocks and grass.

Then he headed to the slide.  I attempted getting a picture of him with his Easter Basket of Eggs, but he was not at all interested in that.

Tyler decided he would take a turn at driving Bryce around!

We had a very busy and blessed Easter Sunday.  We are enjoying the Spring weather that has arrived and hope it's here to stay....for a long time!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love the picture of him in his swim trunks. It looks like Bryce and the boys enjoyed their time at G-ma Linda's.