Monday, January 11, 2010

Snowed In

Well, we weren’t exactly snowed in over the weekend, but it was cold enough outside that I considered us “snowed in”. Here’s a look at the snow Thursday morning. I was wishing I back in school and could take some snow days, but you don’t get snow days with work!

I did decide that once I made it home Friday night I was NOT going to leave until Monday morning. So Bryce and I hung out in our PJ’s Saturday morning.

Bryce had fun playing with all of his toys. We watched Playhouse Disney and played all morning long. He’s dancing to Mickey Mouse’s Hot Dog Song in the first picture!

Dale came home and wanted to get our old TV (since he got a new one for Christmas) hooked up in the spare bedroom to use while we’re on the treadmill. So we bundled up and headed to Walmart to get the things we needed! So much for staying home!!

Saturday night Grandma Teresa and Papa Buffy came to visit. They spoil Bryce with some playtime and snacks and then we sent him off to bed.

Sunday morning Bryce and I bundled up and went to church…I didn’t realize it was going to be -8 degrees outside. But we were already on the road so we might as well keep going! Then we had lunch with the Kueckelhan Family and as usual it was yummy. After a little road trip and detour through Pilot Grove we made it home for a nap and relaxing evening playing with toys!

Just to prove that we had a great weekend…here’s what my living room looked like Sunday night!
I tried to clean in between but Bryce kept getting stuff out and I didn’t fight with him. He was having fun and that’s all that mattered. I did pick up the toys before I went to bed Sunday night, only to make me feel better!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

What a fun weekend! It doesn't take long for them to make a mess, and yes sometimes it's just easier to leave it (as long as Momma-myself included- can stand it)